Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Teck a what?

In my attempt to think of a clever and inspired display name and blog title I surfed the net in my quest to find the perfect name to encapsulate the excitement, the technology, the joy and anonymity of becoming a blogger and I think I did.

I initally was going to chose something which reflected my personal life, it would have revealed who I was to colleagues, but I decided I wanted, no needed the cloak of anonymity, to be bold, to be free, to ask, to explore and most importantly to make mistakes and learn from them without fear.

So onwards here I go into the world of Learning 2.0....

Display Name:

Techthusiasm (Tech-thu-si-asm) n.1. Great excitement for or interest in technology. 2. Technology as the source or cause of great excitement or interest. 3. Archaic. Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by technology.Technology fanaticism. 4. Term trademarked by PrismaStar Software to describe enthusiasm about technology.

Blog title:

Teckademics (teck.a.demics)
A higher level learning, thinking, and fine tuning of skills. *Representation of underground Streetracing and skate cultures.

* Though this word is associated with streetracing, I really like the first sentence, a higher level learning, thinking and fine tuning of skills, a meaning to aspire to, especially in the case of web 2.0 technologies.

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