Sunday, May 4, 2008

Don't underestimate youtube

While this post may seem out of sequence with the weeks. I just had to include it because I didn't acknowledge the brilliance of youtube as an educational resource, particularly since I've started this course and have been directed to common craft to demonstrate various web technology.

It also helped with some of the other applications, when I wasn't quite sure I understood the concept, I just youtube the topic and found a vid for it and ..Eureka! I understand. It is web technology like this that enriches online training and development.

This course has definitely opened my eyes to how youtube can be utilised as a mean other than watching the latest music clip of Missy E.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

It is great when you discover that something you were already using has so much more to offer - like help for learning for this course!

Ellen (PLS)