Friday, May 23, 2008

And now it's time to say good bye.....

It's good to see that there are already a few libraries who have embraced the web2.0 generation and their technology to stay relevance in an increasingly physically disconnected world.

It was interesting to see Le Monde map of different social networking technologies used around the world, particularly NZ's and Australia's majority of users preferring Myspace and Bebo. It certainly seem to reflect my experience in our library's computer room around 3pm.

One of the funny things/patterns? about Beebo, that my sisters and I noticed was that almost every Islander (Samoan, Tongan, Fijian ..etc) who had a type of social networking profile would have a Bebo account. As you can see NZ, being the largest Polynesian community outside of the individual islands, it certainly seem to reflect the majority of their population using Bebo, with Rotorua Public Library having a Bebo account.

Anyway in terms of our library having a social networking profile, I know they were having problems getting approval as Council are still worried about the type of comments being placed on their profile. Here's hoping they would finally understand that their community have a strong Internet/online presence, and they need to equip Libraries with the tools to reach their audience.

Having an online presence would break down preconceived sterotypes about libraries. Who said we weren't hip and personable, and break down barriers (physical), create interest and discussion. Allows personable interaction and increases knowledge and understanding on the range of resources and services we provide. We would also benefit from direct and instantaneous feedback on events and activities we provide. What they like or didn't like.


Every now and then I'm surprise when a new library member makes a comment about not realising that libraries had DVDs, or books, or another resource that we have had for years. Yes it's true. So to me, not having a social networking profile is akin to not having your contact details in the whitepages.


Have tried signing up to second life on my friends PC and unfortunately his PC was too old. Will attempt it again on another PC and see what the fuss it all about.

I would like to thank the State Library for the opportunity to undertake this course. It's been crazy and difficult at times with accessing certain websites, but it was all worth it at the end.
I'm off to sign up to the
NSW Reference and Information Services Group forum and to check out other blogs now that I've finished.

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